Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Best Crock Pot Roast

If you follow my blog, you know my love/hate relationship with my Crock Pot.  We have had some fantastic stuff but we have also had some downright awful stuff.  This recipe is honestly the best thing that has ever came out of my Crock Pot.

Best Crock Pot Roast
1 envelope Savory Pot Roast
1 envelope Au Jus mix
12 oz Diet Caffeine Free Coke
2 Tbsp Corn Starch
4 Tbsp Milk
2-3 lb Chuck Roast

Place the roast in the bottom of the Crock Pot.  (Mine was frozen).

Mix the 2 envelopes and the soda in a separate bowl and then pour over the top of the roast.  Cook on low for 7 hours.  Take the meat our of the Crock, make a slurry of the milk and corn starch and whisk it in to the juices in the Crock.  Turn Pot to high and put the meat and any juices back in the Crock.

 Leave for about 20 minutes until it is gravy consistency.  Serve with Mashed potatoes, rice, noodles or over bread.

Here is a great hint that I found.  I went to the hardware store and for $4 bought a light/lamp timer.  I don't know about you but I am gone from my house for more that 6-8 hours so my food was always overcooked.  This little guy lets me set it to start at a certain time and end at a certain time. It has been a dinner saver.  :)

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