Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Diabetic Journal - Week 3

Tuesday January 27th, 2015:
I was much better at this journaling stuff the first week.  I feel pretty good lately.  My blood sugar was 113 for 4 out of 5 days.  Now that's what I call consistency.  I also finally got a scale and I have lost 23 pounds since December 9th.  I shared a recipe on the blog yesterday for some Caramel Apple Cupcakes.  I did try half of one with no caramel or frosting.  They were really tasty.  The cupcake alone is 78 calories, 17 carbs, 2 grams of fat and 10 grams of sugar.  Why does delicious food have to have so many carbs?

Sunday night I made Turkey and Quinoa Stuffed Bell Peppers.  The filling was really good but we both realized that Bell Peppers are not something we actually like.  Cross that off the list of vegetables.  I really wanted to add some black beans to the recipe but that would have added a lot of carbs.  It is a delicate balance to have enough but not too many.  Yesterday I put a pork tenderloin in the Crock-Pot before work.  I love coming home to dinner already made.  I added some fresh green beans and it was delicious.  Now I have to figure out what to do with all the leftover shredded pork.

Today I was desperate for breakfast and lunch.  In fact, I came to work with no lunch.  I haven't been to the grocery store this week so the refrigerator is pretty bare.  I brought leftover Pepper Stuffing for breakfast but I am up in the air for lunch.  I have some fast food close to work.  I am going to have to learn what choices to make at which restaurants.  French fries are definitely out.

Wednesday January 28th, 2015:
While writing my entry yesterday, a light bulb went off.  Why don't I compile information from each of the fast food restaurants around?  That way when I have a day where I may not have another choice, I know what I should have.  The information is readily available on each restaurant's website and honestly some of it is quite shocking.  I will share my findings this week.

I ended up having a Bento for lunch which included grilled chicken, steamed vegetables, tempura vegetables, a California roll and some rice.  I didn't eat the rice or the tempura and I saved the California roll for a snack later in the day.  For dinner last tonight I took some of the leftover shredded pork and added some diced red potatoes and eggs for a quick hash.

Tonight we drove 75 miles north to have dinner with my Dad for his Birthday.  We went to a pizza parlor and I knew there was no way I could have pizza.  I ordered a Meatball appetizer and a Cobb Salad.  I should have just ordered the salad.  The meatballs came 6 to an order and drenched in sauce.  I ate the meatballs and then when my salad came, I couldn't eat anymore so I brought most of it home.  (I shared a few pieces with my nephew Landon.)  At least I have lunch for tomorrow.

Thursday January 29th, 2015:
Day 4 and I am still making my way through all that pork leftover from Monday.  This morning I put some on whole wheat low carb tortillas with a slice of cheese for breakfast.  It was REALLY good.  I am kinda mad at myself for not thinking of that sooner.  I found these La Tortilla Factory Whole Wheat Low Carb Tortillas with only 10 grams of carbs per tortilla.  I expected them to taste like cardboard but they had a nice flavor.

I went to the Nutritionist today and I got some real encouragement from her.  She assured me I was doing really well.  She does want me to try to get in more carbs.  I was making sure I was under 45, no matter how far, but she wants me to make sure I am between 40 and 50 per meal and under 15 per snack.  She gave me some really good tips about portion sizes and eating out.  I whined to her about having diabetes even though I am not really a sweets eater and she told me every body is different and every person has different genes.  I know she is right but I guess this actually was a blessing in disguise for me because now I know I have to get healthy.

Monday February 2nd, 2015:
I honestly can't believe it is February already.  January just flew by.  I posted my Fast Food Analysis on Sunday.  If you haven't already, check it out.  I had a really bad day Friday and early Saturday.  I was supposed to go have family time but I just couldn't.  Instead I went and hung out with a friend and some of his friends.  I just needed to be around people who didn't really know me so I could act like everything was ok.  I was proud of myself though because despite being in a really crappy mood, I ate really well.  We went to the grocery store to pick up some snacks and instead of junk food, I got lettuce and dressing for a salad.  I did however crunch up some Doritos to add crunch.

Yesterday was also the Super Bowl.  Even though my Hawks lost to the Patriots, it was still a great played game.  We just stayed home to watch it which meant that I wasn't surrounded by crappy food.  I made a beef and lamb burger mixture and Roger cooked them off.  The burgers were really good.   I also bought 2 rotisserie chickens at Safeway yesterday and deboned them so I could have chicken for my salads all week.  I'm not really into a lot of stuff on my salads.  Some protein and maybe tomatoes or avocado and that's it.

I am starting to compile information for an analysis on sit-down restaurants and what to eat there.  Do you have any suggestions for me?  Let me know in the comments below or on Facebook or email.

1 comment:

  1. If you have a Red Robin there, I had their Ensenada Chicken Platter. I had them give me the salad plain with no add-ons, the dressing on the side. Left all the add-ons off the chicken breast, too (except the spice rub). It was delicious & filling. Their web site had nutrition information that could be customized, so I deleted everything that would sky rocket my points. Frankly, it's really scary to think about what's in food when you eat out. At Olive Garden, I stick with Zuppa Toscana, a bread stick and tea. I could eat the salad, but I can do salad at home. Not sure what their carbs, etc. are, but they, too have nutrition information available. I eat tacos frequently. Chicken, turkey, tilapia, using corn tortillas, sauteed zucchini, onion, chopped fresh tomato. I like easy, they aren't filled with a lot of stuff. You are doing great! Very proud of you!
