The chicken comes in a large box, separated into 4 -10 lb bags. The breasts are connected. I quickly trim them and put 2 breasts per bag. Each breast half weighs, on average, about a lb.
I want to warn you about reading labels. I had bought some ground turkey, thinking, it must be better for me than ground beef. After reading the labels, I found that the turkey have more calories and fat per serving than the 93/7 Zaycon Ground Beef. I did find some 99% fat free ground turkey. It's a bit expensive, $5.99/lb, but it works really well on salads. I put about 4 ounces on a salad so it lasts 4 days.
For Father's Day, we went and hung out with my Dad at the river. It was such a gorgeous day. We had a BBQ and I brought this really yummy dessert. I had frozen a bunch of strawberries after we got a flat earlier in the month. I took 4 cups of those and put them in a greased 10x13 cake pan. Then I sprinkled a box of yellow cake mix over the top of them. After that, I shredded a frozen stick of butter over the entire thing. I put it in the oven for 15 minutes at 350, then took it out and made sure all the cake mix was moist. I baked it for another 30 minutes and it came out golden brown and delicious. For 8 servings, its 428 calories each.
A few Fridays back, I woke up with a killer headache so I decided to stay home from work. I got up early anyway and cleaned the house up. Around 11, Roger texted me and suggested I take my Suburban in to Les Schwab to have it checked out. After 2 hours, and a walk over to Fred Meyer, The conclusion was that I needed a new front hub and my tires were separating. The tires are under warranty at Wal-Mart so my next trip was to them. I dropped off my vehicle and walked around the store for an hour before I went back to the Tire Lube Express. The guy came out and told me he couldn't find any leak in my tires. Well, that wasn't why I brought it in so I sent him back to check out the real problem I brought it in for. Turns out my tires were out of balance. They fixed it, at no cost but I was there for 2 hours. So my final stop for the day was to our friend Al's Auto. He quickly changed my hub and did an oil change. I was so grateful not to have to sit around much longer. He had it all done in an hour.
Now that the long part of the story is over, I can tell you what I did wrong. My first mistake was that I hadn't ate breakfast. So I had a bag of popcorn at Les Schwab. While at Fred Meyer, I grabbed 2 bags of chips. I was tempted by the candy bars at the check out but I restrained. If I had been smart, I would have just walked over to the Grocery section and grabbed something healthy, but I wasn't. I ate one bag at Les Schwab and then didn't touch the other until I was at Al's, 3 hours later. I also had a Diet Coke and a Diet Pepsi. Again, I should have made smarter choices, but these things happen. I guess my point is, don't let slip ups get you down.
I have been doing really well though. I am eating good, sleeping better and feeling better. I am able to do things at the gym that I wasn't able to do before. My FitBit is awesome. I find myself trying to beat my previous days or set a new record. My cousin called me a few days ago to ask me how I had changed things and what I had done. She needs to lower her blood sugars. I explained what I had done but I told her, in the end, it's all a mind game. And I am serious about that. It's all in your head. I have a constant inner dialogue about not eating a certain way, pushing 2 more minutes on the stationary bike, 3 more reps, or get off your butt and clean up from dinner. Anyone who has tried to lose weight can tell you that once it clicked, it was easy. You can think you are ready a million times but when you are truly ready, you will know it and feel it.
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